Building Production-Ready Web Applications with Python and Django

Preference Dates Timing Location Registration Fees
Instructor-Led Training

(In-Person and Live Webinars)
5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22 September 2023 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Dubai Knowledge Park 1500 USD

Course Description

This course is tailored for developers and professionals who possess a foundational understanding of Python and aim to engineer robust, production-ready web applications. The curriculum delves into the synergy between Python’s versatility, Django’s powerful web framework capabilities, and PostgreSQL’s robust database functionalities.

Throughout the course, students will be exposed to best practices in software design, focusing on patterns such as DAOs, Factories, and Singletons, which can elevate the scalability and maintainability of web solutions. Comprehensive modules dedicated to security will ensure participants craft applications that stand resilient against modern cyber threats.

The course ensures a hands-on experience by encouraging learners to implement concepts in real-time, building scalable, secure, and feature-rich web applications. Using Django and PostgreSQL, participants will not only grasp the intricacies of web development but also appreciate the profound capabilities of integrating them seamlessly.

Course Units Description

Unit 1 – Introduction to Python, Django, and PostgreSQL for Web Development

  • Overview of Python’s prowess in web development
  • Introduction to Django: Python’s premier web framework
  • PostgreSQL: The robust relational database choice for businesses
  • Why the synergy of Django and PostgreSQL stands out

Unit 2 – Setting the Foundation: Python Basics and Django Setup

  • Deep dive into Python’s syntax and best practices
  • Setting up Django: Installation and project initiation
  • Exploring Django’s MVC (Model-View-Controller) structure
  • Connecting Django to PostgreSQL: Initial configurations

Unit 3 – Designing Your Application: Best Practices and Design Patterns

  • Introduction to software design patterns
  • DAOs, Factories, and Singleton in Python & Django
  • Benefits of using design patterns: Scalability, maintainability, and adaptability
  • Real-world use cases of design patterns in web development

Unit 4 – Developing with Django: Building the Server-Side Logic

  • Django Models: Designing the database schema
  • Views and Templates: Crafting the user experience
  • Django Admin: Rapid admin interface development
  • Form handling, authentication, and more: Diving deeper into Django

Unit 5 – PostgreSQL Mastery: Beyond Basic CRUD Operations

  • Introduction to SQL and PostgreSQL’s powerful features
  • Integrating Django’s ORM with PostgreSQL
  • Advanced queries, indexing, and performance optimizations
  • Ensuring data integrity with transactions and constraints

Unit 6 – Client-Server Synergy: Holistic Application Development

  • Exploring client-side technologies compatible with Django
  • AJAX, RESTful services, and Django REST framework
  • WebSockets and Django Channels for real-time applications
  • Enhancing user experience with client-side frameworks like React or Vue

Unit 7 – Security in Web Applications: Protecting Your Code and Data

  • Web Application Security Foundations: Grasp the essence and importance of web security
  • Django Security Measures: Dive into Django’s built-in features
  • Preventing SQL Injection with Django and PostgreSQL
  • Secure Data Transactions in Django
  • Authentication and Authorization in Django
  • Data Security in PostgreSQL
  • Monitoring and Incident Response

Unit 8 – Deploying & Scaling: Making Your Application Production-Ready

  • Introduction to deployment best practices
  • Configuring static and media files for production
  • Scaling applications: Load balancing, caching, and database optimizations

Unit 9 – Testing, Monitoring, and Continuous Integration

  • Importance of testing: Unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests
  • Django’s testing framework and best practices
  • Monitoring your application for errors and performance bottlenecks
  • Continuous integration and deployment with platforms like Jenkins or Travis CI

Unit 10 – Advanced Django and PostgreSQL Features

  • Exploring Django’s middleware, custom commands, and signals
  • PostgreSQL’s full-text search, JSON fields, and stored procedures
  • Geospatial web applications with Django and PostGIS
  • Asynchronous tasks and background jobs using Celery

Unit 11 – Course Recap, Best Practices, and Future Directions

  • Reviewing the essential concepts covered throughout the course
  • Emphasizing best practices for sustainable web development
  • The future of web development: emerging trends and technologies
  • Ethical considerations and responsible web development
  • Developers and Professionals: This course is tailored specifically for those who have some foundational understanding of Python programming. Professionals who have dabbled in web development or have prior experience with other web frameworks will benefit immensely from the deep dive into Django and PostgreSQL.
  • Web Development Enthusiasts: Individuals who are passionate about creating efficient, scalable, and production-ready web applications will find the course modules enriching and in alignment with industry best practices.
  • Database Aficionados: For those with a knack for database management and operations, the blend of Django with the powerful PostgreSQL database offers a comprehensive perspective on how backend technologies can seamlessly integrate.
  • Data Science Professionals: Data scientists wanting to venture beyond model creation and deploy their machine learning models into production will gain practical knowledge on building applications tailored for their ML solutions.
  • Aspiring Web Developers: Even if you have just begun your journey into the world of web development with a basic understanding of Python, the structured approach of this course will guide you through the complexities, ensuring you emerge with competent skills in Django web development.
  • Python Basics: A foundational understanding of Python programming is essential, as the course is primarily conducted using Python. Familiarity with basic constructs like loops, conditions, and functions will be beneficial.
  • Basic Web Development: Although not mandatory, having a basic grasp of web development concepts such as HTML, CSS, and client-server architecture can be a plus.
  • Database Knowledge: A rudimentary understanding of database concepts such as tables, queries, and relationships will assist in grasping the PostgreSQL sections more efficiently.
  • Enthusiasm to Learn: More than any technical prerequisite, an eagerness to dive into the world of web development and a commitment to the learning process is paramount.
After the Course

Upon Successful Completion of this Course, the Participants will be able to:

  • Engineer Robust Web Applications: Participants will have the proficiency to design and develop resilient, production-ready web applications using Python, Django, and PostgreSQL.
  • Implement Best Design Patterns: Graduates will be equipped to apply best practices and software design patterns like DAOs, Factories, and Singletons to ensure the scalability and maintainability of their applications.
  • Secure Web Applications: Armed with knowledge from the security module, participants will be adept at implementing security measures to defend against common cyber threats.
  • Master Database Operations: From basic CRUD operations to complex queries, learners will harness the power of PostgreSQL in conjunction with Django’s ORM to craft efficient database solutions.
  • Stay Informed and Evolve: With a solid foundation and a forward-looking perspective emphasized in the course, graduates will be poised to keep pace with emerging trends, technologies, and best practices in web development.
  • Integrate Data Science Solutions: Data science professionals will be equipped to build web applications tailored for showcasing and deploying their ML models seamlessly.
